2 days ago I had 2 visits from separate people and the common denominator in both conversations was my car. The first visit was from the long lost friend who made the remark concerning my car being cursed. What I failed to mention is that we also talked of 2 near death experiences that have occurred in his life. I've always had a premonition that I would die in a car accident that's why his comment regarding my car was of value to me. The second visitor who I'd made a remark of regarding his character had requested to see me in 2 days. That request was made in front of my car. It dawned on me that I could very well have a car accident 2 days hence. 2 weeks ago I was on my way to work and at a specific juncture in the road in joining another I almost had an accident. At the same spot this morning I was almost involved in exactly the same type of collision but this time the car was a branded security guarding vehicle. This was 2 days since I had that premonition.
My saving grace was that I had changed the sequencing of Monday's events. If you read "Dos" everything was about the number 2. To alter the sequence I added a blog to the chain of events for that day. The importance of this was made clear to me by my first client of today. It was legs day and I had him doing walking lunges. He had not progressed far enough for my liking so I asked him to complete another lunge. He very startled said "but that would make 13!" so I told him to add another lunge at the end in order to change the sequence. That was message or confirmation #1 of the day.
Yesterday I was walking up a flight of stairs at work reading something I had blogged off my cell phone. I was surprised when my eyes became aware of certain words jumping out at me. I thought it was my eyesight playing tricks or the lighting in the stair well so put my cell back in my pocket and did not give it a second thought. The second conversation of the day was about how my client could communicate with his cell phone using an application called "Siri". He would talk to it and it would fluently talk back to him. Which was strange because 2 weeks ago I had activated the voice recognition software on my laptop. But I failed to realise that what I was doing wrong was talking to it like you would a machine eg "START", SEARCH" and "STOP". Whereas he was asking it "How is the weather in Bangkok?" and it would reply something in the line of "The weather in Bangkok today is..." or even ask it "Who's your DADDY?" and it would respond "YOU ARE!!!!!" I immediately realised that you need to understand the language you are being spoken to in to respond properly. If someone was deaf, blind and mute you would both use touch to communicate. You both need to understand the SAME language for communication to occur. I deduced that I was therefore being VISUALLY communicated with by something that could not communicate in any other way. That was message/confirmation #2 of the day! My third conversation was about how sometimes you need to be gently pushed in order to make a decision or act on something. Like if you teetering on the fence about something and you need a little nudge from an outside source to make a decision or act on it. Which, ironically, my blog last night was about. This was message/confirmation #3 of the day.
2nd client for the day arrived and I could sense in him something was wrong. So I asked him to tell me what was on his mind that was troubling him. He told me about the fact that he was missing his parents who had passed some years back and because he's had an intimate relationship with them he was longing for their company. I changed the subject in order to lift his mood and we moved on with the session. The conversation turned to the topic of those people in life who have suffered and end up not making others suffer like they did. For example, a bully at school who's bullied you, does not then in turn make you become a bully to. You are able to endure the humiliation but do not then yourself in life need to humiliate others. You choose a different life path. The ability do do this comes from the fact that those with a sense of Learning or KNOWLEDGE(Which I had already blogged about!) are capable of changing their outlook. This was message/confirmation #4. Five minutes before the end of the session he turned to me and said "I feel like I've just spoken with my FATHER!" I looked at him in amazement considering what he'd said at the beginning of the session. The irony had not been lost on him either.
Enter client for the day number three and my 2nd leg workout of the day! The session started well and proceeded without incident, until I looked at my client's shoes. I had failed to notice until the end of his session that he had bought new laces. The colour of those laces is BRIGHT YELLOW!!! How had I failed to see this until the end of the session amazed me. I remarked on them in passing but also realised the significance of the VISUAL importance of them. We proceeded to do the last exercise of the day and the importance of today's date was made clear to me. It's the Day of Atonement. Directly thereafter he made a remark of his cousin being in Portugal. The significance of the YELLOW and PORTUGAL on this SPECIAL day was made clear to me regarding a certain missing girl I had dreamt of MONTH'S earlier and had almost but forgotten about. Hence my email and blog at lunchtime today to the authorities in the UK. This was message/confirmation #5. "Timing is everything and everything happens for a reason!" was my closing statement to the blog "Believe".
I was somewhat mentally overloaded by all this information and decided I needed to get some air and have a coffee. So in a complete HAZE I walked across the road to my local cafe. There I was met by a waitress who's served me numerous times but has never spoken to me. I've been frequenting this place for the last 2 months. She noticed my bewilderment and said softly "Everything will be OK, my name is FAITH!" Now if bells and whistle's are not going off in your head they sure are mine. I had written a blog regarding beliefs YESTERDAY!!! And considering all that's all ready happened so far this was too much!!
So I decided I needed a friend to talk to. But that was not the end of the strange events. I had to validate my parking ticket so went back to work to do so. At the machine where I needed to do this a woman was sitting eating curry. Me being originally from Durban, which has a large Indian community, curries are almost a staple food and I love them. So i remarked about that and we had a laugh. I went to my car and a song on the radio that was playing made me listen intently to the words because of the lyrics being sung and their meaning to me and the world. Now I'm about to explode mentally. In driving to my friend I took a wrong turn and in trying to get back on track made a right turn into a street named "CURRIE". I'm not making this up!!!!
I went to the friend who visited me 2nd on Monday and we had a little chat. I told him what had happened and it was too much even for him to comprehend and he needed time for it to sink in and I had the overwhelming need to type an email to the UK police so I left. I got home, typed the email and sent it. Then I went back to work.
What happened next I'm still trying to process and it will have to wait until tomorrow's blog. I've been up for sometime now and need some sleep. Can't wait to tell you what happened next...