Sunday, 23 September 2012


Hello! My name is, obviously, Lloyd Campbell, and I'm a 38 year old Personal Trainer who fell(got pushed really) out of the closet late in life. I'm originally from Durban but have made Johannesburg my home for the last 8 years. Had a stint in Limpopo for a couple years to (married and divorced), but that's another entire volume that will have to wait for now. I'm currently single and completely enjoying having a relationship just with myself. I'm the youngest of three siblings navigating life as it happens. I will use this forum to vent, laugh, advise, ponder and share daily highlights and stimulating events in my life and those around me. New to blogging so will take it as it comes...there may be the odd obscenity and unwelcome statement made here and there so I warn you beforehand to not take offense...and if you do tough shit!! I'm looking forward to this experience and can only hope it's a positive one for us all!

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing your posts on Facebook and glad that I can follow you here and twitter too.
