So yesterday after all that transpired I went back to work in a trance. In truth I should have cancelled my afternoon sessions and just come home and slept. Walking into the building the word "Planet" stuck me like a bolt of lightning. There was a reason I had to leave my previous place of employment and come here. I sat in the foyer at reception and just absorbed it all in. As I was sitting there children walked passed smiling. When I related the days events to my afternoon client's every single one of them in turn had another message to give me. They could all relate in some way to what I was going through and understood the purpose. I only managed 2 hours of sleep last night.
Today I was about numerology for me. Everything I did or required involved numbers. The number which predominantly made itself known was 2. I had to do everything twice today for the same thing. I visited the cafe across the road twice for a cold drink, I had to go twice to get a script filled had my car refueled twice at the same Petrol Station. I've had to retype sms's and message's twice cos of spelling errors(I'm finding it a challenge to type anything now actually). Have heard certain particular song's goes on and on..
I did decide to see a clairvoyant today. Which reaffirmed what was I thinking and possibly more. My mind is becoming calm now. I'm not as high strung as yesterday. Been running around all day actually and am exhausted. I need to get some shut eye... my brain feels less numb!
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