Half the battle won for anyone trying to get or stay in shape is actually GETTING to the gym! Whether you use a plane, train, automobile, unicycle or donkey cart you've accomplished a lot just to get there. The next mountain you have to climb is to actually enter the building!!! Now you faced with a hoard of sweaty, some good looking and some not so good looking people, all clamouring for that elusive perfect body they saw on the cover of the latest blockbuster Health magazine. This is like the Final Frontier! But you take that "Giant Leap for Mankind" and decide to workout!
Now you are confronted with having me as your trainer. And I don't look like the "boy next door" type so your anxiety escalates. But you pleasantly surprised to find I'm an amicable kinda guy and you can relax. This is where my work begins, because some of you can relax a little too much and some of you can become the Jack Russell bolting out of the house wanting to try every exercise you've ever seen from that Health magazine you bought the previous day. For me it's made easier if some of you have trained before, and have co-ordination and motor skills. And sometimes I have to work a little harder with those that don't know their left from their right, front from rear, or those that don't even know they in the gym.
It takes a lot of energy for me to coerce clients, who I'm sure would rather be lying on a sofa doing nothing, than sweating it out in the gym with me through a training session. Sometimes I'm firm and sometimes I'm not. My lesson from today though is "Just one small klap...is enough!" A little persuasion works better than me loosing my cool. Good night all....tomorrow is another day!
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