The research I have undertaken of late has led me to some very startling revelations. Firstly you have to discard everything you have been taught and keep a very open mind. The following has always been a perplexing question of mine. The Earth is 16 billion years old, give or take a couple. Mankind, apparently, has been on the planet for 2-4 million of those years. Yet we can only look back as far as 50000 years or so of our recorded written history. It took us the better part of 400000 years(apparently) to basically come up with nothing more than the wheel. Yet in the last 100 years we have put a man on the moon, and made smoke signals and carrier pigeons obsolete with WiFi, Bluetooth, MMS, SMS, Email etc. There is nothing to explain our stellar rise in genius from zero to hero. Unless maybe the technology has come from else where and, or, we have reverse engineered it? I am not a believer in Darwinian Evolutionary Theory. If that be the case, we as a species would be living in complete symbiosis with the planet like everything else on it. We are not! The question arises why not? I'll be getting back to this question later...
Now, the Mayan's were seriously a smart bunch, especially since we think of them as primitives, who basically danced around the jungle wearing very little. Their mathematics was very advanced for their time. They had the zero in their numerology, which we only came up with many centuries later. Gotta make you think, especially since they came up with (and quite accurately to I might add), the 9 Levels of Consciousness, which shows the start date of everything as we know it to be 16.4 billion years ago.
For a simple tribe of jungle dwellers they certainly knew a lot about time, mathematics and astronomy. The above diagram illustrates ancient knowledge. The fact that it is shown in a pyramid format is very relevant, cos that is what the pyramids worldwide signify - The Conscious Evolution of Man. What is common about all the ancient sites is the mathematics. All the pyramids and other ancient structures were built using this universal language. From Stonehenge, Easter Island to the Pyramids of Giza, sacred geometry was used. Included in the use of this geometry is the Octagon Star. 8 Points on the Star, with the 9th point coming from God being at it's centre. 9 points = 9 Levels of Consciousness??? Where did they inherit this knowledge from?
The story in the Bible tells of Eve being tempted by the devil and gaining knowledge by eating the apple. For the first time we became aware of our "nakedness". Basically we became aware that we had the potential for lies, deceit, greed, envy, jealousy, murder, competition ect. We are as God created us, perfect Spiritual Beings. The devil, in his cunning, corrupted man and in doing so set us on our evolutionary path to return to The Source. The Bible, tells a story of man putting his knowledge to use, in order to build a tower to reach heaven. It's the story of Babel. I have come to believe that the tower being built was in fact a pyramid. God, in His Divine Wisdom, destroyed the tower and separated man over the earth in order that we may learn and evolve the 9 Levels of Consciousness. I also believe that the city of Babel is the old story of Atlantis. The destruction of Atlantis and all the world as we knew it, is told through the story of Noah.
How the waters came to be is up for debate. What I am coming to believe, is that the floods were caused by a Geo-magnetic Pole Shift. The earth's magnetic poles literally swop around! This has happened many times in Earth's history, and we are actually long overdue for such a swop to occur today. The result of such destruction wiped out much of the earth. The great city of Atlantis, and our ancient and sacred knowledge, was lost under the waters. But there were survivors, and among some of these survivors this ancient knowledge remained. However, with knowledge comes power. Obviously those with the knowledge took control, and became the rulers of the world, The Pharaoh's, Emperor's and Royals. It's the bloodlines of those who had the knowledge, that remain in power to this day! Now it's also being postulated by the likes of David Icke, Michael Tsarion and others, that mankind was also genetically interfered with, by another alien species, at a time in our history. There are texts such as the Sumerian Tablets, and the Gospel of Enoch, that support this theory. Our own Bible talks of "fallen angels", who slept with the women of men. They postulate that it is the decedents of this "mixed" race, that held the knowledge and took power over the earth. This theory would also answer the question I asked earlier, as to why mankind is not living in symbiosis with our planet like the rest of nature? Simply, there are some bloodlines among us who are not of this earth. Our pre-diluvian history is much more involved than we have been led to believe.
Concentrating on the last greatest civilization, the Egyptians, we can track how this knowledge was passed on to the Romans From the Romans it was given to the Church. The Knights Templar, took this knowledge with them when they fled France in 1307 to avoid the Purge that had been ordered by King Philip IV, with the support of Pope Clement V. The Knights Templar fled to Scotland and established what we still have to this very day, the Order of The Scottish Freemasons. The Illuminati infiltrated this group when they were banned in 1777 by the Bavarian Ruler, Karl Theodor. It's this group who yield all power and control today, for they are the direct descendants of the "mixed" bloodline which the Sumerian Texts, The Gospel of Enoch and our Bible tells.
The New World, which is actually not so new, was established and built using sacred geometry. Cities like Washington DC, New York and San Francisco, have within their layouts Sacred Geometry with connections to Egypt and The Pyramids. Why would a God and Christian fearing Nation, have at its seat of power, Egyptian symbolism and sacred geometry? This symbolism and geometry is not only localised to these American cities. Rome, especially the Vatican, has at its heart, in St Peters Square, Egyptian symbols and geometry. The cities of London and Paris, also share ties to Egypt. Why do these cities have phallic symbols, Obelisks and sacred geometry built into their designs? It's no co-incidence that these cities and their respective governments yield so much power over the Earth today!
The power and worship of the God Osiris, the Goddess Isis and the God Horus forms the basis of all this control. I believe that the powers that be do not pay Homage to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Instead they worship the occult. The evil eye of Providence, as is displayed on the American Dollar Bill is evidence of this worship. The Elite's ties to Bohemian Grove in San Francisco, and the worship of a 40 foot Owl, is as far removed from Christianity as it gets.
The Eye of Balor, the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Providence is the God of The Freemasons and those who currently yield control.
The time has come to wake humanity up to the lies and deceit we have been led to believe. We are giving away our power willingly, without question, to those who are using knowledge they have gained over us. We are being subjugated mentally and physically to a system of control that is fake. We are more than what we have been told. That is the step humanity has to take in order to complete the 9th level of Consciousness. To realise our Divine Connection with God and the Galaxy. We need to release the fear instilled by the ego based control we currently live under.
It is my purpose, as I was told when I experienced my "Knock of the Spirit" last year, to inspire people to turn on their lives. Open your eyes and wake up!
These are links you may want to view in your quest to gain Knowledge :
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I wish you Love and Light!
God Bless You, God be with you, for God is within you!
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