Paragraph 3 of the Gospel of Thomas renders The Church useless. Your connection to The Divine lies within you, and you do not need to go through The Church in order to commune with The Source. In the journey I have undertaken in my Awakening, and through reading books and viewing relevant documentaries, I have come to understand that we are all a frequency. "In the beginning was the Word, And the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - John 1:1. "The Word" in that verse is actually referring to Sound! Sound is a frequency which results in vibration which forms matter.
"And God said to Moses, 'I AM THAT I AM' : and he said, This shoult they say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you" - Exodus 3:14. Through this verse Tetragrammatron is manifesting Consciousness(I AM), The Mind(I AM THAT) and Intent(I AM THAT I AM). God is telling us that we are what we think we are, and that wherever we are He is always with us. I AM affirmations are very powerful tools in bringing about constructive change within you. Mind, Thought, Consciousness are all a frequency.We are all linked via this frequency to each other, The Earth, The Sun, The Universe....EVERYTHING...GOD!!!
It is when we are disconnected from the Frequency of the Earth/Universe(Consciousness/Love) that our lives are switched off and we live in darkness. There are those few select powerful people in the world (Bilderberg Group - Part of a Global Control System) who's aim it is to keep you in such darkness. Through the system of money and religion, you are being subjugated to believe in something that is not real. Through our education system we are intentionally being dumbed-down into learning only how to repeat and regurgitate dates and facts. Television is occupying the mind with shit that actually has no bearing on living an abundant life. Technology is being used against us, instead of for us! You are being indoctrinated and brainwashed into believing that material wealth, and the social structure as it stands, is the natural order of life. IT IS NOT!
Mankind is the only species that does not live in symbiosis with The Earth. We have let the select few of powerful people take control of the Earth's resources for their own gain. The Earth belongs to all humanity and its inhabitants EQUALLY! There are abundant resources on Earth to sustain us all, we however have to manage those resources properly and distribute them evenly. Through money and religion, and the power it has over us, we have relinquished our birthright to believe that we are separate from one another. In fact the opposite is true. Through this separateness we live in fear of each other. Fear is a feeling of low frequency energy. Love is a higher frequency of energy. We as a species, to evolve, need to overcome our fear of each other, our separateness, and move into the frequency of Light and Love! We need to become ONE! We need to close the circle and become whole. The Galactic Alignment which occurred last year has exerted a new frequency on our solar system, and in particular The Sun. This frequency is thus being exerted on the Earth. It is to a large extent what is driving the Awakening of millions worldwide.
Its time to raise your frequency, plug back into the Change of Consciousness and unplug yourself from the fear that envelopes your life.The fact that we've had Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands(Bilderberg Group) and The Pope resign, is indicative of the major change being heralded in The New Age. If St Malachy's prophecies be true, then the next Pope is to be the last one and a judgement will occur.
The time is NOW! Be the change!
Within the Law of Abundance, should you feel that this post and my blog has benefited your Higher Self, and would wish to show appreciation and thanks in the form of a donation, I would be most grateful. The tab to donate is on the left-hand side of my blog.
I wish you Light and Love!
God Bless You! God be with you, for God is within you!
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Hello Lloyd, I feel very stongly about this same message, I had posted on 11-11-2012 on my page and as comment on your FB site.