The day I started this blog, lights went off in my head, and they continue to do so. I am undergoing a Spiritual Awakening. With all the stress I've suffered this year, I eventually hit rock bottom. I became aware however, that God was The Rock at the bottom! He alone saved me! I have learnt so much about myself this year and all that i have been through. I strained my Achilles Heel and tore the Gastrocnemius of my right leg. I changed gym chains and lost half my client base. For the last six months my car has mostly been in a mechanic's workshop and has cost me a small fortune. On top of everything, I ended a relationship in which I was so blinded by love I could not see the wood for the trees and I've had to move twice in the space of six months But, through all that I've endured, I have learned that I need to unlearn all the indoctrination and false programming I have been forced to believe in, from those that hold all the keys to our lives. Knowledge is Power! I have been reading a great deal. What this has done is make me look internally at my life and realise that the path I was walking was wrong. I had lost my focus on what is important. I had become obsessed with my body and in getting bigger and bigger, to the detriment of everything else around me. I had become obsessed with the trival rather than concerning myself with the more important aspect of living...
As in Usher's words "Numb" - "Keep on doing the same old things, and you expecting change. Well is that really insanity or just a losers game? I only trust in the things I feel, some may say thats strange! You better realise what is real, Cause forever is a long long long long long long long long.......TIME! Some things never change, here we go again, shake it up let it go, I don't care anymore..." I've learned to become "Numb" to the bullshit and change my way and focus on changing that in my life that will bring me Love and Light. That is why today's date is so important, it is the Dawn of a New Higher Consciousness for all Humanity. It's about Change...
To that end this week I had eventually learned to Meditate. My "Monkey Mind" is still very active but, I am able to get my 10 mins done! It's a start! I also consulted this week with a psychic. She was able to confirm that through me changing my obsessions of taking drugs, steroids, abusing alcohol, smoking and making bodybuilding my sole purpose for existing, new channels were being opened for me. A male nude model could be on the cards....LOLOL God helps those who help themselves! I am now speaking my Truth and by doing so I am also helping those who cannot. Apparently though, I still carry a lot a latent anger. I was directed to take up an art, in order to gain balance between my male and female sides. I can't sing or play a musical instrument for shit, the most I can draw is a stick man....painting is even more effort. But I'm not one to give up just because its difficult so, through the directions of a very dear friend, I have started drawing using charcoal...
I thought I best just start with straight forward lines and not attempt anything too over my head! Better safe than sorry...We'll see where this takes me! Any art dealers interested, please feel free to contact me...
Today was a special day for me. I am privileged to be alive in an event that takes place only every 26000 years. To make it special I had an aura photograph taken...
I was very surprised by the outcome...Blue and white seem to be my colours with a little green that I extend to heal those around me! Don't think they allow these pics in ID Books, Drivers Licenses or Passports though...I also mediated at the given time of The Wave 11:11 GMT. I'm feeling so energised and looking forward to the road that lies ahead of me....and Humanity!
I've got a couple chapters I need to read of an anger management book I was given, so I wish you a pleasant evening!
God Bless you, God be with you!
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