Wednesday, 19 December 2012


I'm switched on, unplugged, eyes wide open! I have lost a lot this year, but gained so much more in return. My affinity for the material, has been replaced with a need to value God, Life and Love. My Spiritual Awakening has progressed at quite a fast rate. I was aware for the last month, that the next step for me in my Spiritual Growth would be Meditation. I thought this was an easy undertaking, I was WRONG! My "Monkey Mind" through years of conditioning and programming, just would not relent in preventing me from making contact with The Source. I  have tried to Meditate lying down, sitting in a chair, on the floor, standing up and even submerging myself in a bath of water...Nothing worked! Until this afternoon...

You are a Spiritual Being having a Human experience....

Hu: Means GOD
Man: means Mind or Consciousness
Human: Means God man or God Consciousness

Our species is called hu-"man"...the hu-man species was originally androgynous - we were WHOLE, not separated from our masculine or feminine energies. Any aversion to the word "man" needs to be cleared, as it will convey duality and separation consciousness. Wo"man" and fe"male" have the masculine energy within the word. Embrace the word "man" as it is a part of your being, step into Unity Consciousness where we make the man/masculine and woman/feminine ONE!

Once you accept this reality, you have a need to connect with The Source. Light and Love - GOD! Our minds have been so filled with indoctrination and false programming that it proves very difficult to undo. But not so difficult as to be impossible! We need to connect with the Energy of Earth and The Universe. We need the Energy to Flow...Man was granted Earth to keep him grounded and manly. The Universe belongs to God! We require a positive loop between both, Earth and The Universe, to help Consciousnesses grow! Meditation is our means to connect to Earth energy and that of The Universe. We become ONE!

So, after weeks of me trying to figure out how to meditate, I have a client who is in the know, and he gave me a lesson today in 10 minutes, that connected me with Heaven and Earth. The Energy flowed...


Meditation is your tool to find Peace and Love, not only within you, but in ALL those around you...

Meditate every day!!!

God Bless you, God be with You!

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