Saturday, 29 December 2012

Phone Home

We are living on some very precious real estate. In all The Universe our planet is the only known rock that currently sustains life. We actually live in a very hostile environment, and it is nothing short of miraculous that we are able to survive and thrive. If we were too close to the Sun, it would be too hot. If we were further away, too cold. Like Goldilocks's porridge, we are situated just right. Perfectly in fact. Now take into account the size of The Universe and give this some thought. Add to that the fact that we only inhabit 4% of the total surface land area of The Earth, and you begin to realise just how lucky we really are to be here.

We have been given, by God, our place in The Sun. And now what completely confounds any logic(mine at least), we are intentionally destroying our God given home. Would you buy a prime piece of property with a view to tear it apart and leave nothing in its place? We're stripping the Earth bare for the sake of profit, and at who's expense are we doing this....Our Children, who are the Future! We have become a parasite to our own home! We're stripping it of life giving trees, we've put holes in our atmosphere, poisoned the soil, drained the oceans of food and are busying ourselves with making many of the animals, plants, birds and insects that share our world extinct!

I think that's the inherent problem. We were given The Earth by God. When mankind is given something we seldom, if ever, show appreciation or value for that which has been provided freely. We've all given something to a friend, only to see that it's not been looked after as well as we would have, because we worked for it and understand the value attached. Earth was granted us to work in order to keep us grounded and manly. To remind us that we are indebted to God for His Creation. Now man has made man indebted unto himself by raping and pillaging the Earth for his own greedy ends. We now chase money, when we should be following God and His Word.

As a living entity within The Universe, I can understand that Mother Earth is not happy! Her unhappiness is manifesting in changing weather patterns, earthquakes, floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions, tsunami's, hurricanes, superstorms etc..She's giving us a heads-up that all is not well and that we need to change course and rethink our position. We're biting off the hand that feeds. God has told us he will provide for all, we are his Children. Some of us though, like to keep others subjugated in order to benefit only themselves. The Law of Abundance does not only apply to the wealthy....Greed, Envy, and Jealousy of one another, or any other Cardinal Sin, has no place in God's World for Us. We are here to Love one another and help each other....

"The Tree of Life brings abundant flow into your life at this very moment. The core of all abundance is The Source. When you totally believe in the flow of this Divine Nectar, the bounty of God is responding in like measure. Develop the muscle of your Faith by the positive regards of all your amazing achievements. Fill your life with gratitude for the abundance you are receiving. Chant - "I am infinitely abundant in spirit, I have plenty of wealth, and my riches increase everyday!""

Taken from

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit The Earth - Matthew 5.5

God Bless you, God be with you!

Tuesday, 25 December 2012


One of The Holiest Days of the Christian calendar is based on a pagan tradition. Today marks the Winter Solstice(or near to) in the Northern Hemisphere. The day on which farmers would plant seed, welcoming a New Beginning and in doing so paying homage to the Sun! It is a time of New Beginnings! Spiritually very significant, in that it heralds New Life! That Our Father's Son, Lord Jesus Christ's birthday is celebrated on this day, is by no measure of a co-incidence. For it is the Sun on this Northern Winter Solstice, that brought Light to the Earth, so that the crops may be sown and from which mankind may benefit. The Church, in it's wisdom to make Christianity more popular and acceptable to the masses, sought this day to celebrate the Birth of The Lord Jesus Christ. The Sun, as Jesus Christ, symbolises Light and Love!

For the first time in my life I celebrated a Midnight Mass last night. Not being  a Catholic, the experience did turn out to be more daunting than which I had originally envisaged. Until I was reminded by the presiding Priest, that the birth of Out Saviour and Lord was witnessed by undesirables, did I remember the lesson that He was sent to teach...We are all ONE! That no matter whether you were poor or rich, He was here for us ALL! That He would die for ALL our sins, and give us ALL entry to Heaven! This is a time to give thanks for all those that we Love and Cherish in our lives...

Be grateful to God for all that He has, and is continually providing us. It's a pity that we only do this once a year, it should be done EVERYDAY! During the service I was struck by the feeling of community within the Church. This is something I fear we as a race and species have lost touch with in our modern times. To turn to your fellow man and show him Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Empathy and Joy takes HUGE Spiritual Strength. To value someone different, and completely strange, to that which you are unaccustomed takes great self acceptance. To not judge and accept, has become somewhat of an arduous task for mankind. We are angered and hate all to quickly. Look inward and Love yourself, for it is then that you will be able to Love All those around you! Love is the message of God....we need to wake up and listen!

Merry Xmas! Peace be with you....

God Bless!

Saturday, 22 December 2012

The New Dawn

My eyes were opened this year to beliefs that I had buried in the back of my head. Beliefs that I generally only had to confront at Weddings and Funerals....I haven't been invited to many Christenings...I  kept quite when hymn's and prayers were delivered at any Church Service. Like a child, I gave God the silent treatment. My world, though, was rocked awake by God and He intervened in my darkest hour this year. My Spirituality was Resuscitated and gets stronger with every day I continue to live and Believe...

The day I started this blog, lights went off in my head, and they continue to do so. I am undergoing a Spiritual Awakening. With all the stress I've suffered this year, I eventually hit rock bottom. I became aware however, that God was The Rock at the bottom! He alone saved me!  I have learnt so much about myself this year and all that i have been through. I strained my Achilles Heel and tore the Gastrocnemius of my right leg. I changed gym chains and lost half my client base. For the last six months my car has mostly been in a mechanic's workshop and has cost me a small fortune. On top of everything, I ended a relationship in which I was so blinded by love I could not see the wood for the trees and I've had to move twice in the space of six months But, through all that I've endured, I have learned that I need to unlearn all the indoctrination and false programming I have been forced to believe in, from those that hold all the keys to our lives. Knowledge is Power! I have been reading a great deal. What this has done is make me look internally at my life and realise that the path I was walking was wrong. I had lost my focus on what is important. I had become obsessed with my body and in getting bigger and bigger, to the detriment of everything else around me. I had become obsessed with the trival rather than concerning myself with the more important aspect of living...

As in Usher's words "Numb" - "Keep on doing the same old things, and you expecting change. Well is that really insanity or just a losers game? I only trust in the things I feel, some may say thats strange! You better realise what is real, Cause forever is a long long long long long long long long.......TIME! Some things never change, here we go again, shake it up let it go, I don't care anymore..." I've learned to become "Numb" to the bullshit and change my way and focus on changing that in my life that will bring me Love and Light. That is why today's date is so important, it is the Dawn of a New Higher Consciousness for all Humanity. It's about Change...

To that end this week I had eventually learned to Meditate. My "Monkey Mind" is still very active but, I am able to get my 10 mins done! It's a start! I also consulted this week with a psychic. She was able to confirm that through me changing my obsessions of taking drugs, steroids, abusing alcohol, smoking and making bodybuilding my sole purpose for existing, new channels were being opened for me. A male nude model could be on the cards....LOLOL God helps those who help themselves! I am now speaking my Truth and by doing so I am also helping those who cannot. Apparently though, I still carry a lot a latent anger. I was directed to take up an art, in order to gain balance between my male and female sides. I can't sing or play a musical instrument for shit, the most I can draw is a stick man....painting is even more effort. But I'm not one to give up just because its difficult so, through the directions of a very dear friend, I have started drawing using charcoal...

I thought I best just start with straight forward lines and not attempt anything too over my head! Better safe than sorry...We'll see where this takes me! Any art dealers interested, please feel free to contact me...

Today was a special day for me. I am privileged to be alive in an event that takes place only every 26000 years. To make it special I had an aura photograph taken...

I was very surprised by the outcome...Blue and white seem to be my colours with a little green that I extend to heal those around me! Don't think they allow these pics in ID Books, Drivers Licenses or Passports though...I also mediated at the given time of The Wave 11:11 GMT. I'm feeling so energised and looking forward to the road that lies ahead of me....and Humanity!

I've got a couple chapters I need to read of an anger management book I was given, so I wish you a pleasant evening! 

God Bless you, God be with you!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


I'm switched on, unplugged, eyes wide open! I have lost a lot this year, but gained so much more in return. My affinity for the material, has been replaced with a need to value God, Life and Love. My Spiritual Awakening has progressed at quite a fast rate. I was aware for the last month, that the next step for me in my Spiritual Growth would be Meditation. I thought this was an easy undertaking, I was WRONG! My "Monkey Mind" through years of conditioning and programming, just would not relent in preventing me from making contact with The Source. I  have tried to Meditate lying down, sitting in a chair, on the floor, standing up and even submerging myself in a bath of water...Nothing worked! Until this afternoon...

You are a Spiritual Being having a Human experience....

Hu: Means GOD
Man: means Mind or Consciousness
Human: Means God man or God Consciousness

Our species is called hu-"man"...the hu-man species was originally androgynous - we were WHOLE, not separated from our masculine or feminine energies. Any aversion to the word "man" needs to be cleared, as it will convey duality and separation consciousness. Wo"man" and fe"male" have the masculine energy within the word. Embrace the word "man" as it is a part of your being, step into Unity Consciousness where we make the man/masculine and woman/feminine ONE!

Once you accept this reality, you have a need to connect with The Source. Light and Love - GOD! Our minds have been so filled with indoctrination and false programming that it proves very difficult to undo. But not so difficult as to be impossible! We need to connect with the Energy of Earth and The Universe. We need the Energy to Flow...Man was granted Earth to keep him grounded and manly. The Universe belongs to God! We require a positive loop between both, Earth and The Universe, to help Consciousnesses grow! Meditation is our means to connect to Earth energy and that of The Universe. We become ONE!

So, after weeks of me trying to figure out how to meditate, I have a client who is in the know, and he gave me a lesson today in 10 minutes, that connected me with Heaven and Earth. The Energy flowed...


Meditation is your tool to find Peace and Love, not only within you, but in ALL those around you...

Meditate every day!!!

God Bless you, God be with You!

Monday, 17 December 2012

Jack and Noah..both aged only 6!

On Friday last, an atrocity of heinous proportion was perpetrated on American soil against 26 Innocent Souls! 26 of God's Children, were taken from us in an act of such selfishness no words can ever condone. America, in my view, should take as strong action as a Nation, as it did against those that perpetrated the 911 Attacks. Children are PRECIOUS TO GOD AND ARE WORTH FIGHTING AND DYING FOR!!!! I dedicate my blog tonite to Jack Pinto, Noah Pozner and the other 24 Beautiful Young Souls who's fire was extinguished ;-( ... Jack and Noah were the first victims to be buried today...GOD BLESS THEM AND ALL THOSE WHOSE LIVES WERE ENDED!!! My prayers to the families, friends and loved ones suffering such extreme loss at this time...GOD BE WITH YOU!

Noah's name reminds me of the story as told in The Bible of The Ark! Jack's name reminds me of the story of The Beanstalk. Both strong names of individuals that overcome adversity and find Redemption and Happiness! Their young lives were ended, but Their Legacy will FIGHT on!!! We must give recognition to Their Lives and Honour them in doing the RIGHT THING. God gave us a Constitution.....

The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:2-17

1. You shall have no other gods before (or besides) me.

2. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. you shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the thirds and fourth generati
on of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

5. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

6. You shall not murder.

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

You have NO other Rights than that which He has Given! Take the 2nd Amendment with you to the grave, for those who live by the sword will die by the sword! You need to live by God's Word....Light and Love!

God Bless you for God be With YOU!

My First Gay Wedding!

A wedding is the celebration of the Love of two individuals(Gay or Straight), before the Eyes of God! It is a request to God for His Blessing of Love and Light for the Rest of your Eternity...

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

I give you the newly wedded Johan and Martin. May God Bless them and be with them Always! This was my first gay wedding. Having been down the isle already, the significance of what they have just undertaken is not lost on me. I was a lost soul when I took my matrimonial vows...too young to understand! Marriage is a sacrament! A Vow Of Truth! You can only give of yourself completely when you yourself are complete. When you have no secrets with each other, you have no fear of each other or your life ahead together! 

This was an amazing wedding! Held in the most beautiful and naturally energised of venues. The fact that it rained gave it God's Blessing. Water is His Cleanse. Symbolic of washing out the Old and Welcoming the New! It's a beginning and an end! An end of their solitary physical life, and a dawning of their combined future together! I was 
privileged to be invited, and be a part of this very Spiritual Path they have decided to undertake together before God! God Bless them Both, for God be with Them!

Nothing in my life happens by chance. Everything happens for God's purpose!
During the week I was contacted by a young man, who had found the courage to "come out' to his very conservative family. He lives in a somewhat rural town, which just so happened to be the hometown of an ex-client and good friend of mine. God intervened in their lives by making me bring them both together. And I'm so grateful to Him I did! At a specific time, for a specific reason, for a specific purpose and for a specific end, they were brought together!!!

God's interest is in Love...The Age of the Holy Spirit, The Age of Aquarius is upon us...The Age of Light and Love!  

"Upon the hill across the blue lake, that's where I had my first heart-break...I still remember how it all changed...My Father said "Don"t you worry, don't you worry Child....'cos Heavens got a Plan for You!" - Swedish House Mafia

God Bless Us....for God be with Us! xXx

Friday, 14 December 2012

A Tale of Two Boys

We never know God's plan. I get messaged from a hundred and one different people within a day. Some are meaningful to me, some not. I have over 10000 internet connections, so you can imagine the messaging and emails I receive. There are always those though, that at a specific time, for a specific reason and for a specific purpose, stand out to me!

I was messaged in the very early hours of yesterday morning by an acquaintance I've know for many years. He's found himself in somewhat of a tight spot lately, to say the least. He called out to God's Universe for help and I saw the request. Nothing in life happens by luck, chance or co-incidence. I was meant to wake at the early hour I did, in order to see the call for help he broadcast. God needed me to work with urgency in order to recognise the plight my acquaintance is in. 

I met him for coffee yesterday afternoon and we had a very good exchange. He was able to offload on me some of the things in his life which are causing him so much distress. I cannot judge him, or anyone else, for that task is left to God alone. But, what made a difference to me, is the fact that faced with so much adversity from his past and present life, he is able to look to his future with such Hope and Faith.  He knows that he is worthy, and he is willing to fight for it, which makes all the difference!!! God Bless Him, God Be With Him!

I was 30, when in all honesty, I was forced out of the closet. A closet which everyone else, except me, knew I was in. I was today contacted on Twitter by a very courageous young man, who at the not yet age of 18, decided it time to announce to his family that he was ... GAY! Coming from a small town in rural South Africa, it takes a set of balls to do so. In my view he should be Honoured with a Medal of Bravery of The Highest Oder for his actions!!!

Unfortunately, his family do not think his own outing to be as courageous as I do. They have hung him out to dry. A mistake they will soon come to regret, for they have forgotten that it is only God who has the Right to Judge! You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends, and I am honoured and humbled that God has seen fit to introduce us to each other in his hour of need! I look forward to becoming a dear friend of his....U will need to take stock with your maker!

GOD BLESS YOU!! For God be With You....xXx

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


God's code is Binary!

Someone asked me today what the relevance of today's numbers meant to me. Well for starters, it's God's language, that of Love, Peace, Happiness, Faith, Belief and Strength, and second the fact that, this is the last time, in my lifetime, I will see such a repetitive sequence, heralds also an end and a beginning. I can think of no better signal from God, that at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, he ends The Age Of Pisces with His Code!

We all at the end of the year look back at the highlights of it, we retrospectively take stock. The Wisdom of Hindsight is always a bitch though. We are at the end of the Age of Pisces, The Age of The Lord Jesus Christ. What lies ahead is the Age of Aquarius, The Age of The Holy Spirit. The  Age of Love and Truth. Mankind needs to take stock! Re-evaluate and  Re-Consider! 

We are entering an Age Of Higher Consciousness for All Humanity. An Age of Light and Love! 

"Above all Love each other Deeply, For Love covers a multitude of Sins!" 1 Peter 4:8

God Bless You for God Be With YOU!

Sunday, 9 December 2012


"Avatar" is a call to God! A call to follow His Word. To Believe in the Power Of One...The Power of The Universe!

I have been reading a lot of late. Actually forgot about 2 movies that I have seen, that have given me tremendous food for thought. The Trilogy of "The Matrix" is one. "Avatar" is the other. "The Matrix" is relevant, in that it makes me aware that we have been blindfolded to our lives. That we have been assimilated. We all do the same things, watch the same movies, eat the same, dress the same...Globalisation has been the Great Equaliser! To be different from your neighbour takes courage and strength, less you be ex-communicated and ostracised  from everyone around you. Our opinions and our thoughts are becoming restricted and channeled. Our choices are being eroded. To voice an opinion which varies from those around you, is considered politically incorrect. Instead of understanding and tolerance, we are prejudiced and biased. Hypocrisy seems to have taken hold... 

We are being hi-jacked to believe in the material! It's false hope! The focus of living your life in Love and Happiness, has been replaced by greed and envy. "Avatar" depicts this side of human nature best. We are prepared to do anything for "Unobtanium". What we value so much in the material world, we sacrifice in the Spiritual. Karma makes sure we do not get away with anything though. Possessions may never be your master. You need to value your relationship with God, Family and Friends, above any material reward you can obtain! We are all connected through the God's Energy for He created us. We tend to take for granted our place in His Plan, and consider ourselves greater than we are. Only God is Great!!!

We need to return to the Light. God's Light! He will blaze the trail for all that lies ahead of us...

Don't ever blame God for ANYTHING!!! His plan for you is PERFECT!

God Bless You, God Be With YOU!

Friday, 7 December 2012


Jesus, In Your Name we Pray!

The Power of Prayer has been a recurring theme for me this week. Through all my trials and tribulations, I am continually reminded that, through the Power Of Prayer, God will help me turn the tide in my favour! I've had 2 incidents occur the last couple days that have made me sit up and take note...

I was contacted last week by a friend from Pretoria. He messaged me to inform me that his best friend was due to undergo brain surgery last Wednesday. His best friend had a 50/50 chance of surviving the operation. I was moved that through a posting I had made on my Facebook, he felt he needed to contact me in order for me to pray for her well being. I was only too obliging. We are all God's children and he Loves us all. Needless to say that night I ask the Lord God, Our Father, to take his best friend under his Loving Wing and help her through the operation and put her on the path to a full recovery. I believe God answered my Prayer. His best Friend not only made it through the operation, but is now due to recover fully! God Bless them Both!

I had the honour of being contacted by a young man last week also going through a difficult time. Again, through a posting I had made on Facebook he contacted me. I understood his situation and need immediately, and we made arrangements to meet the Sunday passed, in order for me to give some guidance to his situation. He had been going through quite the emotional turmoil. Had in fact gone to His Church, and with his Pastor, prayed for someone to come into his life and give him the support he needed to face his future. God delivered me to him. We had a very enjoyable Sunday afternoon together, and I'm sure our friendship will prosper...There are aspects within His life that have already started to take shape, and shown a remarkable improvement to his self-esteem! God Bless Him, God Be With Him!

Tonite I had a client contact me. He had to take the last week off due to his doctors wanting to carry out medical tests. He had been booked into hospital for an A - Z of tests, and was given some negative news today. What I completely admire him for, is his resilience to take not the news lying down and let it beat him. His words to me were of Triumph!!! That in the face of adversity, he would show Great Spiritual Strength, to overcome that which lies before him! He is in my Prayers! He is God's Child, and I am convinced that God will Love him and take care of him.

Listened to a song tonight by Jason Mraz - " I Won't Give Up"

When I look into your eyes

It’s like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
There’s so much they hold

And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

I won’t give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I’m giving you all my love
I’m still looking up

And when you’re needing your space
To do some navigating
I’ll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

‘Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We got a lot to learn
God knows we’re worth it

No: I won’t give up

I don’t wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I’m here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake

And in the end, you’re still my friend
At least we did intend for us to work, we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I got, and what I’m not, and who I am

I won’t give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I’m giving you all my love
I’m still looking up
I’m still looking up

Well I won’t give up (no I won’t) on us (giving up)
God knows I’m tough (I am tough) enough (I am love)
We got a lot to learn (we gon’ learn)
God knows we’re worth it (and we’re worth it)

I won’t give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I’m giving you all my love
I’m still looking up

God Loves Us All.....All we need is a little more Belief and Faith...and Prayer!

God Bless You, God be with You!

Sunday, 2 December 2012


"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." John 3:3

I have never been the religious type. Definitely not one to Bible Bash. I've only just recently bought a Bible myself again. The last one I owned was almost 30 years ago, and that got "Lost in Translation" somewhere along the path of my life. I have however, always maintained that my relationship with God, was a private matter that concerned no one else. I consider myself more Spiritual than Religious.

I'm salmon and I swim upstream. I'm not one to be told how to have a relationship with God! Organised Religion has perpetuated some of the most heinous and inhumane crimes against Mankind in order to gain Money and Power. That always irked me. I could never understand how The Church preached His Name with one tongue, but perpetuated violence and murder with the other! That's when I decided to take my Faith straight to God Himself and cut out the middleman!

Reflecting on my life I'm embarrassed to admit that I treated Him like a "Fairweather Friend". Only making contact when I needed Him. He has however, ALWAYS been with me! It's the hardest relationship I've had in my life, and now the one that I value above all others. He's been there with me through the good years, when I've shown no appreciation whatsoever, and my trials and tribulations when I've hurled abuse at Him. It's through the troubled years though i have always reverted back to Him, and he has always provided. He has punished me, but he has Always LOVED me! Enough to ensure that I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach. I am truly grateful to Him for this.

Through my Spiritual Awakening and the books I have read of late, I consider myself Reborn. I have re-affirmed my Faith in God, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. I was handed a Gift today from a very dear and close friend, who had been vacationing on an Indian Ocean Island resort.

In handing me this Cross of Christ, God, who is the Source of my Supply, affirmed his Love for me! My Faith and Belief in Him restored, he confirmed my Spiritual Rebirth by the giving of this gift! My path is now being guided by His Light!

"Jesus, I believe you the Son of God and my Saviour. I believe You died on the cross and rose again so that I can have a new life in You. I ask You to wash away my sins through Your cleansing blood and make me clean. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I can now live for You. I commit my life to loving and serving You. Amen." A prayer taken from the book "Divine Revelations of Angels" by Mary K. Baxter.

Sending you His Light and Love!

God Bless you, God be with you!