Sunday, 19 May 2013


We come into this world naked, and hopefully loved. Hopefully, that is how we exit this world. Death and taxes(theft) are the only certainties in this life. Your body is born, and dies. Your soul, however, is eternal! What we are taught, and conditioned from birth, creates the personality that separates us from our soul. The disharmony in the world is a direct consequence of our spiritual separation, not just of self and each other, but Mother Earth, God and His Universe. This has been intentionally done. Like magpies to shiny objects, we have been allured to accumulate material not in alignment with our Higher Selves. Mankind has been normalised to wanting, and lusting after that which does not serve his best intent. We are in conflict with our natural state of existence. LOVE! Humanity has become addicted to consuming. We have become an unwelcome guest in our own home. A virus to this Planet! That is why we feel agitated, frustrated and stressed.We are out of sync with EVERYTHING!!!


Profiteering and success, at all cost, has become lauded above all other human values. This reality has become skewed and unnatural. The realisation that independent success negatively effects the balance of life needs to be reached. The karmic consequence of compounding others suffering, through the hoarding of Earth's natural and free resources, is to our detriment as a species. We cannot survive without each other, yet we annihilate each other in the name of profit. When you die, you don't take with you all the possessions you have accumulated. When you sit down with The Chairman, and discuss your human experience, I really doubt that He would want to hear about how you waited in a queue for hours to buy shit, or what luxury car you drove, or what sports team or Hollywood actor you fanatically followed. I think it will be about how your soul developed through tribulation, and how much you lived your life in LOVE, rather than resentment, want, greed and hatred. How was your presence on Earth beneficial to you, your species and Mother Earth? Did you value another's life more than the belonging's that you clamored to own? What was your contribution to the continuation of your species?


 We revere those with more. We aspire to be them. We want to be showered in gold and diamonds. In the Grande Picture, it means NOTHING! Those with crowns of jewels on their heads, should be tarred and feathered, for someone has suffered and died for their enrichment. The high salaries commanded by the elite, are paid with the blood and sweat of the masses. Capitalism is the biggest evil introduced to society. It is the measure of success of one, at the loss of many. We are a social and interdependent species. If one persons suffers, we all do. We all fail. There is no success. This has become our karmic lesson. God and His Universe, gives to humanity trials that will help our soul and body evolve. Currently we are no more than a hamster on a wheel, trying to play catch-up as the wheel spins faster. All we need do is get off the wheel!



An inscription found on a ceramic megalith in The Bosnian Pyramid of The Sun, reads as follows : "Gate is closed we're on standstill. We will have to fight to defense and conquer, until we able to go through the STARGATE". In 2009, the world's navies were alerted and responded, to an anomaly found in the waters of the Gulf of Aden - The Aden Stargate! Apparently, the piracy within the shipping lanes, was used as a cover story to justify the mobilisation of the world's naval forces. Science-fiction is rapidly becoming nonfiction!

Bosnian Pyramid of  The Sun Ceramic Megalith

Watch the video : BOSNIAN PYRAMID

Aden Stargate

WE ARE NOT ALONE! We inhabit the third rock from the Sun in our Solar System. We are part of the Milky Way, and constitute a part of The Cosmos. We are on a life giving rock hurtling through space, and all we are concentrating on is what we wear, watch, drive and where we live. The importance of what we buy, and what we pay for it, is insignificant to the meaning of life and our evolution. We are supposed to be taking our place among the stars, for that's where we originated. Yet we are obsessing about trivial matters that keep us shackled and divided. We, as a species, must be the laughing stock of The Universe!

The Universe is calling for us to evolve. The frequencies being emitted are changing. As a species we need to get with the program, or be left behind in the evolutionary process like the other primates were! THE TIME IS NOW!!! We need to kill our individual ego's for the benefit of not only ourselves, but all life on the Planet!
 It's time to realise that you are more than u think!

 It's time to wake-up to the true potential that we possess. We need  to stop focusing on the trivial, and start concentrating on the bigger picture. Life has a plan and meaning. You are a part of it! You need to realise that you are connected, plugged-in and switched on! CONSCIOUS!!! You need not fear anything, for it is only a lesson in your evolution. 


Our purpose is to LOVE! Love for not only yourself, for when that happens, you are able to Love and Respect ALL beings! Love must become our intent, because that will change the frequency at which we resonate, and in doing so alter our DNA! I fear the consequences if we do not rise to  the challenge. You are the key, you are essential! But, it's required that you wake up! You have to align yourself, just as the Galaxy did on 21/12/12, to your Highest and Best Intention!


That's it! That is all that is asked of you at his time. In so doing you not only help yourself, but ALL LIFE! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

As always, with everything you are confronted with, the choice  is yours. This is not something to be taken lightly, for the ramifications are huge and beyond our current comprehension. The importance of where we are at in our development cannot be stressed enough. The Stargate is waiting for us! How do we as a species want to introduce ourselves and leave a lasting impression?

I am a Lightworker! I am a Starseed of the Blue Ray! It is my purpose to AWAKEN as many of you to The Truth as I can. The Shift in Consciousness is God's Will. Prime Creator's plan will not be averted. Light will always defeat darkness! Our True Calling awaits us...

I wish you Love and Light!

God Bless you, God be with You, For God is within You!

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