For the 38 years that I have walked this Earth, I have lived through my ego. Gary Zukav, in his book, "The Seat of the Soul", refers to it as The Personality or External Power. I have been no saint. I have lived the human experience through all it's emotional frequencies. The frequencies we most easily tend toward, and this is where we loose our way, are the lower frequencies of lust, want, greed, envy, jealousy, gluttony, excess, revenge etc. The Higher Frequencies of Love, Gratitude, Happiness, Compassion, Empathy and Passion etc, are alluded to, but not really encouraged. There is no profit to be made in the Higher Frequencies!
Our leaders are spineless, greedy psychopaths, who have the interests of corporation's at heart. It's profit over people. They have no interest in easing the burden of Humanity or Mother Earth.
Spirit woke me up last year to the fact that we are surrounded by bullshit. I was told my purpose, told I'm being judged, and asked if I was strong enough. During what has been a very trying time of my life, I have looked inwards, and realised the error of my ways. I have made a conscious decision to change. I am in the process of letting go of my ego. I have released all obsessions, habits, patterns and people who had power over me. I'm not buying into the false bullshit reality anymore! There will always be bullshit to deal with, but how I deal with it will decide the outcome of my life. I have decided to align myself with my Soul, and live my life in the Higher Frequencies. I'm aligning myself with my Highest and Best Intent. Gary Zukav refers to this as "The Vertical Path" or "Authentic Power". It is not an easy road. Authentic Power is earned, not given.
As I stated in my last blog, LOVE is our purpose. That is our Highest Intent. As soon as your Intent is in line with God and His Universe, He will ensure that your purpose is attained. Twelve innocent infant souls entered my life this week. I have decided to volunteer my time at a local orphanage. Impilo (Zulu), which means "To Give Life", is a sanctuary for the protection and adoption of children. When you wake up to the fact that we surround ourselves with nothing but material shit which leaves you empty, you start to look for that which has meaning! That which will last! The Universe is then obliged to work in your favour, and will provide the opportunity that is best suited for you, and other like minded souls! I would rather spend my time with children in need, than glued to a TV for hours watching some mind-numbing bullshit bubblegum reality show or meaningless sports match. I choose to have a life filled with substance, rather than pop-corn! Should you, or anyone you know, wish to assist in any way, please contact them via their webpage : Impilo, and may God Bless you! There are other children, and people in need out there, that reqire our attention, understanding, Love and unconditional support. If we all woke up, and did something to assist, we could radically change the reality of all our lives.
I am a Lightworker! I am a Starseed of the Blue Ray! It is my purpose to AWAKEN as many of you as I can to The Truth, and in doing so, cause a Consciousness Shift on the Planet! We are evolving beyond the material...
I wish you Love and Light!
May God Bless You, God be with you, For God is Within You!
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