Friday, 12 April 2013

Hollywood is DEAD!!!

At first humanity believed that the earth was flat, and at the centre of the universe. Then we discovered that the earth was in fact round, and at the centre of nothing! Now we need to accept that the earth, and the universe, is a holographic projection of nothing!!! Matter as we understand it, is made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of electrons, protons and neutrons. Quantum physics does deconstruct these particles further, but for this hypothesis its not necessary to elaborate. What is important to understand is this - empty space is actually what constitutes the volume of an atom. Matter is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of mostly empty space - ie. NOTHING! Electrons, the negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus of the atom, have a very strange behaviour in that under observation they behave as matter, but when not observed they behave as a frequency. Our brains then are the observers of this frequency, and as we receive such we interpret it into matter. Much like a TV receives a frequency and then displays a picture. "Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one" - Albert Einstein. For more information regarding this, please click the two links provided here.  

What is transpiring on earth now is a shift in reality. We are moving from our current 3D perception, to the higher 5D realm. The current reality we find ourselves in no longer serves us. It does not appeal to our best and highest intentions as a species. 

Our current 3D world is one fueled by lies and deception. We are being brainwashed to believe in a false reality. Our lives are more than what the powers that be want us to believe. We are being hypnotised, brain washed, dumbed-down and distracted by TV, and stupid celebrities and politicians, into a reality that is as far removed from the truth as it could possibly be. Our attention is deliberately being focused on sports and trivial, mindless, bullshit bubblegum entertainment. The time has come to evolve HIGHER! 



This reality has you living in a casino, distracted by the lights, sounds and smells, and hope of financial freedom, when you are in fact living in darkness. Where the rules and odds, are stacked heavily against you from birth. Hollywood owns the casino, and has you living in a show. A very bad one at that! Corporations ,and a select few, are in control of the show, NOT the people! It's time to WAKE UP!!!

This reality is NOT what God had intended for us! We are NOT SLAVES! Those who have held the reigns of power through the ages see us as no more than livestock. They regard us as too stupid to be able to govern ourselves. They intend a NEW WORLD ORDER!

The time of 5D Earth has come. The time of Truth and Love is here. We are to realise our true potential and wake up from the nightmare that has been our past. It is the end time of lies and deception. Hollywood is dead! It has no purpose, function or value in 5D Earth.


As we move through The Shift, old habits and beliefs that no longer serve us must be shed. We will go through a cleanse, some will do all they can to hold onto the old structures and belief systems. All they do will be in vain. This is a natural progression of Life and Consciousness. It is the plan of God and His Universe. Light will defeat darkness! 

 I am a Lightworker. I am a Starseed of The Blue Ray! It is my purpose to awaken as many of you to The Truth as I can, and help Humanity and Earth through the transition to 5D!

I wish you Light and Love!

God Bless You, God Be with You, For God is Within You!

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