Sunday, 10 March 2013


There are 13 families that control the world (the irony of that number does not escape me), and that statement may be as far removed from The Truth than you believe, but it is an unmistakable fact. All you have to do is google it...what is presented, is the families of the Illuminati or Satan!

  1. The Astor's
  2. The Bundy's
  3. The Collin's
  4. The Du Pont's
  5. The Freeman's
  6. The Kennedy's
  7. The Li's
  8. The Onassis's
  9. The Reynold's
  10. The Rockefeller's
  11. The Rothschild's
  12. The Russel's
  13. The van Duyn's
Their bloodline can be traced back to the days of Lemuria and Atlantis. Human history is much more ancient, and knowledgeable, than they would have you think. We did not evolve from primates. Never in my history as a Perfect Creation of God, did I ever drag my knuckles on the ground! To suggest such, is an insult to Prime Creator! There is intelligence in all He does! I, like you, was created in God's Perfect Image. What did happen in our more recent past, is a geo-magnetic pole shift, which left mankind in a state of amnesia and vulnerability. We forgot our Divinity and Allegiance to God, and in that moment, allowed others (the Anunnaki and the Greys) to take advantage, and thus take control. Like computers, the re-set button was pushed, and that led us to having to rediscover such simple things as fire and the wheel. Through the trauma that we endured, we allowed our Ego's(The false self) to take control of our destiny, and allow Satan in the back door.We have forgotten our Pure Essence! There were those though, who were able to remember our ancient, and Divine Knowledge(as mentioned above), but instead of using this information for the betterment of all, they have hoarded it for their own nefarious selfish gain. Absolute Power(Knowledge), corrupts Absolutely! Their bloodlines number 13, ominous is it not? Their genetics have been engineered to eliminate Love, Compassion and Empathy. They nourish themselves on the pain and suffering of Mankind. Their ultimate goal, is control of the Planet, and all who reside on it! And like their genetics have been engineered, so have ours. Eugenics has been practised for years. What Hitler studied en masse, they continue under the auspices of Planned Parenthood, an organisation affiliated to the United Nations. They are dumbing us down deliberately, so that we do not question ANYTHING that is fed to us. Our frequency has been purposefully curtailed, to quarantine us from the broadcast of God and His Universe!  

In essence you become a slave, and no more than property of The State. You become OWNED!
Their aim is a 90% depopulation of earth, through some contrived global catastrophe to befall earth...false flags are their modus operandi!

The Mayans and other old civilisations, had a lot more right than we have given them credit for. The symbiotic relationship with all things, is Sacred above all else. Everything requires balance. At this point in our history, we are completely out of sync. We have allowed our false selves, our ego, to completely take control of our lives. We are living through the material, our focus should be on The Spiritual. Everything is connected, and that is best demonstrated though Sacred Geometry. Those in power - those bloodlines, have perverted and twisted this knowledge for their own end. Their arrogance and their greed though, will be their own undoing. More and more, everyday, their desire for control and power becomes obvious. Unfortunately, the more we allow Mother Earth to be raped and pillaged by them, the harsher the cleanse back to balance will be.

As the Mayans, and many other cultures have predicted, the time for the pendulum to swing back in the other direction has come. We have suffered enough. Mother Earth has endured enough. There is abundance to sustain us all, and not just the few occult elite bloodlines who would treat us as cattle. Earth is a gift from God to all Humanity. It is time for us to take our rightful Universal place and be counted. We have to wake up to the fact that we have reached the 9th Level of Consciousness. However, for us to graduate with honours, we have to reject the connection to the material that Satan, and his minions, has fostered within us. We have to release all fear, and allow Light and Love to Shine. You may not, in your life be controlled by, or be influenced through any form of negativity.

The Schumann Resonance of Earth has been constant for ages. However, this resonance has been changing. Earth's pulse has gone from 7.83HZ(Considered normal), and is expected to reach 13HZ soon. The number 13, symbolically does not bode well. The chaos that people have felt themselves in, is due to this change in frequency. We have entered a new time. A new space. The Planet and all those who inhabit it, are going to be faced with a choice. Red or Blue pill? What will be your Matrix of control? Will you live in the ego and fear? Or will you choose to Love? That is the Judgement that God has decided you need to make. That is the prophecy all have foretold, you need to decide upon.  

I was asked last year of Spirit "Are you Strong enough?" My answer is emphatically - "YES I AM!!! YOU created me, and I will NEVER forget my ORIGIN or ALLEGIANCE! YOU ARE MY GOD AND I LOVE AND TRUST YOU!!! THAT IS MY TRUTH!!! Through you alone, I am FREE!!! I AM A STARSEED OF THE BLUE RAY, AND I WILL NOT BE SILENT!!!"

Within the Law of Abundance, should you feel that this post, and my blog has appealed to your Higher Self, and should you wish to make a donation, I would be most grateful. The tab to donate is on the left-hand side of my blog.

I wish you Love and Light!

God Bless You, God Be with You, for God is Within You!

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  1. For the 1st time in long, I'm sitting here after reading this blog of yours my friend and not sure what to comment on this, one thing is for sure, we are Blessed by the Best!! To have inner peace with yourself and know that God is truly in control, that is the Big Secret so to speak…but remember, we all have to take responsibility for our actions! Don’t act in a way and when Re-action comes from that action we took, we tend to ask "Why Me"...if you are Brave enough to Act then be Brave enough to face the Re-action!! Blessings and think you need to be in Cape Town with that positive energy and outlook of yours in life my friend!!

  2. What we have been taught, and led to believe through the news, reality TV and sports, is being deliberately done, in order to blindfold us away from our Truth. We are perfectly created Spiritual beings of God. It is only His Light of Love that will win in the end!

  3. I, d be interested as to why you want donations. ?.Spiritual indeed....please, what is written here is just inciting hate nothing to do with correcting the balance of things wrong on earth, All donstions should be given to those in need...not you. This should be removed from the Net. Asking for money is disgusting. Love is all that should be preached & given.
