As I've stated in my blog before, human history is much more ancient, than the powers that be will have you believe. I've had to unlearn everything that I was taught. The answers to the questions I've been asking lie in the Stars, and in Mathematics, Sacred Geometry and Fractals. Our ancestors have left clues for us, so that we may know what they knew, and through knowledge evolve higher. There is a reason they made their sacred sites almost destruction proof, for they wanted future generations of humanity to benefit from what they knew. They wanted them to stand the test of time....
So, what have I learned along the way so far? First and foremost, that no-one other than myself creates the reality that becomes my life. That if I want to live an abundant life, then I need to change the choices I make in my life. Those choices have previously been made on some very bad, and intentionally misleading advice, from society, and conditioning programmes through mass media and entertainment to fear everything, and want everything, our eyes see. In my past I always denied myself, and who I was, in favour of someone else. Self acceptance, self worth, self esteem and self love, were not core values to me. I lived my life through trying to please others. Denied certain aspects of myself, and overcompensated in others. I always considered myself flawed, that I did not belong and had to seek the acceptance of others. I've woken up to the fact that I am a perfectly created Spiritual being of God, here to experience life as a human. Through my experience I become aware and through awareness develop consciousness. That is the human experience - to learn, to suffer, to create, to live, to love, to grow and evolve, and in the end, to bring all things experienced back to God.
Our Divinity has been replaced by greed and consumerism. We no longer seek value within ourselves, rather we seek it in products that steal our essence and perpetuate division among us. This indoctrination begins the moment we are born. We are taught to live with our eyes wide shut. This system of control, has been carefully orchestrated, and developed, through the ages by those who have always held the reigns of control, money and power - The Fallen Angels. That the Reptilians(Annunaki), and the Greys, exist is fact. They were shown to me last year, when I experienced my "Knock of the Spirit." They are the fallen ones, who interfered with our DNA, and keep us in bondage. I truly believe that they have possessed, inhabited and controlled the ruling families of the world since this false time began. Through their secret societies and organisations (Freemasonry, Illuminati, Bilderberg Group, Royal Bloodlines, Round Table, Bohemians etc), they have contrived to enslave man. By getting us to "shop until we drop", they buy and own our souls. They keep us fearful and ignorant, they foster division, and keep us pinned into a false sense of security.
Everything is Frequency. What consumerism does is prevent us from resonating at a high frequency. Fear, want, envy, jealousy, depression, hate etc are all low frequency. This is where the Reptilians, and Greys, want us to dwell, for it keeps us divided and under their control. It also feeds and nourishes their spiritual energy, and starves us of ours. Jesus Christ, The Lord Our Savior came to Earth to remind us to shed the lower frequencies we live our lives in, and to replace them with the Higher Frequency of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Empathy. He came to raise our Level of Consciousness, so when the time came to ascend we could. That time has come. The Shift that the Ancient Civilisations foretold of is happening NOW! The Earth's frequency (Schumann Frequency) is spiraling up. This can be felt, and seen, through all the tribulations and changes befalling your life. Mother Earth herself is manifesting these changes. This is why time seems to be speeding up. Your internal clock is trying to keep up with the Earth's changing upward resonance. We are all connected.
The Earth's magnetic field is currently at the lowest point it's been in over 2000 years. Mother Earth is now receiving a Higher Frequency from God and His Universe. What is required from Humanity at this time, is to aid Earth, and ourselves in Ascension, and raise our Consciousness Level to the Higher Frequency as well. There has to be a critical mass shift within human consciousness for us to evolve to the next level. We need to discard all that enslaves our Spirit, and live only in The Holy Trinity's frequency of LOVE!
Should we be able to achieve a Critical Mass Shift in Consciousness through raising our Frequency, we will literally change fundamentally who we are. We will change our DNA structure. We will go from the current double-helix strand to a triple-helix. We will become Super Beings! That is what the Reptilians and Greys do not want. They do not want us to take our place before God. They want us to dwell, and live in darkness for all eternity. We will be enslaved to Satan.
I am a Lightworker! I am a Starseed of the Blue Ray! It is my purpose to Awaken as many of you as I can to The Truth! To help create a Critical Mass Shift, and light up the energy grid of the Earth with the High Frequency of Love, and in the process we will heal Gaia and Humanity. We are all in this together. It's now or never!
I wish you Love and Light!
God Bless You, God be with You, for God is within You!
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