It takes about 2 days of me being bed-ridden, before cabin-fever the likes of which you have never suffered, set in with me. I cannot take more than 2 days of counting ceiling panels, before I feel like madness is beginning to take hold. In 2 days I've contemplated enough in my own mind to drive me crazy. You get the picture!
I'm the type of guy, that when push comes to shove, I do BOTH! Do not put me in a corner, because eventually I reach a tipping point, and when that is reached, all hell breaks loose. I do my best work under the gun! I'm a control freak and can be slightly impatient. Don't tell me tomorrow, when I know it can be done today. So my patience and independence, has been severely tested the last 2 days. I've had no means of transport or of communicating with the outside world. My Gaurdians decided it time to accomplish 3 things. Firstly, I've been pushing really hard the last 4 weeks. My blog has touched many people's lives, and I'm getting an influx of messages and emails, to which I feel responsible to reply to. Albeit in my own time that I do so, as I am first and foremost a Personal Trainer and need to maintain my income. So, in Their Divine Wisdom, they sought to isolate me, so I can have some down time. All Alone! I'm grateful 2 Them for this.
Secondly, the lesson of me loosing the focus that They have brought to my life. I may not repeat the mistakes of my past. I perpetuated such a sin this weekend, and They sought fit to bring my attention to the fact that my gaze was beginning to wander. I was starting to look left, when I should be "Eyes Front!". Its hard to release the past and it's habit's. I'm human and will rather "err on the side of Grace", for God's Judgement will be more gracious and importance than that of man's. But I'm learning...but being human I will err!
Thirdly, the path that I walk, for now, will be alone. I need to rediscover who I am. But, in this, I am not alone, for He is always with me. My line of communicating through Prayer, was not taken from me and He awswered this morning when I awoke. I woke up with the determination of the singular wildebeest crossing the Mara River to get things done. I sent out smoke signal's and carrier pigeons to those that would see and receive. My messages were met with answers. I have a very dear friend and client, who willingly brushed aside his day so that he could aid me in my time of need. I'm so very thankful to you Michael, for providing me that life-line I needed to regain control of my life. My second intervention came in the form of a new friend. She's been a pillar of strength for me the last couple weeks. Just knowing there is someone physical standing behind me is of great value. Cindy, for all you have done I cannot thank you enough! You're a sweetheart and I enjoy getting to know you more and more. My third intervention came from my close friends of Johan called me, and asked me to spend the night with him and his boyfriend, Jan, at their home. It was thoughoughly enjoyable as we relived the events of the photoshoot done just over 2 weeks ago! Some more pics have been posted to my Twitter Account - inkdmscl.
In a specific place, for a specific need, at a specific time and for a specific purpose events occur in my life. My prayers were answered. I trusted in God and his Universe, and the more He answers the more I trust!
God Bless
Thanks for this post. Good to see faith an awareness in action. Here is to happy and blessed unfolding . . . . .
ReplyDeleteThanks be to God Crazeebee... and God Bless us All!!! XXX