Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Blessed are the merciful, For they will receive mercy. - Matt 5:7

I have raised the White Flag with The Lord! He has shown me the error of my ways. I have submitted to His Power and Dominion over me and The World. I have asked for His Mercy and He has provided it to me. For too long I have denied Him, and that which he provides me. He is the Source of Supply for everything in my life. In ALL our lives!

I have been under immense personal pressure of late. Probably the worst year I have endured in a LONG time. The University Fees of Life can be expensive. Not just financially, but Spiritually. When life treats us well, we tend to forget that it is He who is providing all we need and want. We only ever turn to Him when the going gets tough. Instead of acknowledging Him all the time, we only turn to Him when things are going wrong. God is not a "Fairweather Friend"! He is with us through the good and the bad. The only difference being that we fail, at times, to acknowledge Him in our prosperous years.

I can understand His frustration with us on this. He keeps giving and giving, and we keep taking advantage of His Benevolence. We've all had friends, family, even loved ones, that have taken us for a ride. Shown no gratitude for all that we have done for them. A little thank you would have gone a long way in showing appreciation for that which we provided them. Some acknowledgement for the good we have done, would make us feel better about ourselves, instead of feeling like we've been robbed. Sometimes we get it, sometimes we don't. It's the times we don't get appreciated ,that we feel aggrieved. God works under similar rules. It's when we show no or little appreciation for Him, that He leaves us. It's at this point when, when He has had enough of us ignoring Him, that he drops us, and all hell breaks loose in our lives!

We are forced to look inwards at ourselves, and realise that without Him we are nothing. We cannot survive without Him! Some people do, some don't. It's to your own detriment that you do not acknowledge Him!

God wants us to live our lives in Love and Happiness. But you do so, ALWAYS, in Honour of Him!

God Bless You! God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit be with You...ALWAYS!!!!

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