Friday, 26 October 2012

The Alchemist

"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. READ IT!!! This book was given to me the very day my housemate, Mr G, moved out! I did not understand it's significance until I got home after work this Thursday morning past. My Spiritual Awakening requires that I walk a path alone...for now!

The timing, for me, being given this book has not gone unnoticed. The "Philosophy of Specificity" has not been lost on me either. I was handed the manual to my future!. At a specific time, for a specific reason, for a specific need and for a specific purpose, I was handed a tool to apply to my life! Nothing in life happens by co-incedence or chance. NOTHING! Co-incedence and Chance is the Language of The World! But you have to be enlightened to believe this! And totally trust your intuition to believe it so! I DO!

I had never heard of this book before. When I started reading it, I could not put it down. I read the entire book in a 3 hour sitting. It has huge implications for me, that I have not yet fully contemplated. Not since I was handed the "Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield and "Jonathon Livingston Seagul - A Story" by Richard Bach, have I felt so excited about what lies ahead of me. This book has provided me with the affirmation, I have been given by God, to live my life!

Every lesson we learn in life, when God delivers a lowering day unto us, prepares us for something ahead. We can choose to learn, expand our minds from that lesson, or we can choose to ignore it. Take heed, for if you choose the latter, it will be at your peril! Those that Guard you, will abandon you! For you have NOT Acknowledged Them, been Grateful to Them and Trusted in Them! You will silence Them, but They too, will in turn silence you!

"We used to be so certain, We used to know The Game, but now We run in circles, We lost along the way...the way...the way...And nights forever falling, entangled in The Haze, well in the Light of Dark, We watch it burn away away away...So long as I can breathe, it's You who shakes Me, so long as I can breathe, You're still the One, Who wakes Me..." words taken from the podcast by DJ ICE " August Sessions 2011".

The Universe is conspiring at this very moment, in MY favour, to make sure the future I want for myself will happen! I trust in God and His Universe, His Plan for us all, and so should you...

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