I was at a friend's farewell party many moons ago in Durban. Still a wet-nosed kid, out of school and in the world trying to carve a path for my future. A young girl, unknown to me, walked up to me and said "There's something different about you. You are not the same as everyone else here!". I was not surprised, as I knew I was different. But I thought she was referring to my homosexuality. She wasn't reffering to that at all! She told me I emitted a strong energy. I had a force! This was also something that I had become self aware of, but had denied. When she vocalised it, it struck me like a bolt of lightning. I listened intently to what she had to say.
I was at a turning point in my life. I had been fired from my first job for abuse of my position as a manager of a local popular bar. I had to go back to waitering and my life was not moving forward. She delivered a book, "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield, into my hands and told me it would change my life. It did! I read that book over and over again. I gained insight! So I knew I would have to take a leap of faith and make a huge change in my life, which I did! At the tender age of 22, I made a decision to pack what little I owned, and move to another province. I was appointed the Assisstant Food and Beverage Manager of a hotel, which was situated on the pimple of the ass end of the world. Where no one else would dare venture!
My plan was to stay for 18 months and then apply for work in a more glamorous place. I was there for alomost a decade. In the first year I was promoted to Manager. I was then approached by a financier, who willingly gave me the start-up capital to begin my own business. Which I had always wanted. By the age of 26 I had started 2 businesses from the ground up. I was Midas! But, I let my ego, greed and arrogance get the better of me. There was also one other thing the girl at the farewell party told me to do, "Share the reason of your success with other's!" I did not do that either.
So my God devised a plan to teach me a lesson. He unleashed my gay self upon me, which turned my life into turmoil. I lost everything! Even my willingness to live! At that point He intervened and saved me. He made me a Chronic Non-Progessor of HIV, to remind me of what I had not done, but belived that one day I would do. That time has come and I do it now...
The Binary Code (1.2.)! In this code, God's number is One! Man is Two! Zero does not exist with God, and is Man's creation. We are not taught as children to count from Zero, but from One! In our life on earth we are to practice this belief by putting others first and ourselves second. We are to treat other's the same way we ourselves would want to be treated. With love and respect! We always have to remain Humble and Grateful to Him for all that He provides us. And we may may not invoke any of the Seven Deadly Sins! The Gift's of Heaven will be provided to you as long as you WORK for them. Your body is your temple! You may do with it what you want in celebaration of Him, as long as you take care of it! Work is to keep you grounded(Manly and Earthed). Pleasure is granted you as food for your Soul. It's what I refer to as the "Positive (no pun intended) Loop!". You give unto other's willingly and without any expectation of reward in return, work hard, be grateful to Him and He will provide all you need! If you allow any of the Seven Sins to manifest in your life, you will be punished, and deservedly so! Recite the "Lord's Prayer" sincerely every day, say Grace for every meal you eat, give Prayer every night to Him, and do not work on Sundays, for it is His day. Spend the 7th day eating and drinking, with family and friends, celebrating the Life you have been granted by HIM!
As I stated in my Blog last night we are here for the benefit of each other. Not to make to make each other suffer, that was NOT His plan! We have digressed from His plan. We have allowed the Seven Sins to take control of our lives. We have forgotten what we were taught as children! To love and respect each other! But to do that we have to start with oursleves....
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