Sunday 9 December 2012


"Avatar" is a call to God! A call to follow His Word. To Believe in the Power Of One...The Power of The Universe!

I have been reading a lot of late. Actually forgot about 2 movies that I have seen, that have given me tremendous food for thought. The Trilogy of "The Matrix" is one. "Avatar" is the other. "The Matrix" is relevant, in that it makes me aware that we have been blindfolded to our lives. That we have been assimilated. We all do the same things, watch the same movies, eat the same, dress the same...Globalisation has been the Great Equaliser! To be different from your neighbour takes courage and strength, less you be ex-communicated and ostracised  from everyone around you. Our opinions and our thoughts are becoming restricted and channeled. Our choices are being eroded. To voice an opinion which varies from those around you, is considered politically incorrect. Instead of understanding and tolerance, we are prejudiced and biased. Hypocrisy seems to have taken hold... 

We are being hi-jacked to believe in the material! It's false hope! The focus of living your life in Love and Happiness, has been replaced by greed and envy. "Avatar" depicts this side of human nature best. We are prepared to do anything for "Unobtanium". What we value so much in the material world, we sacrifice in the Spiritual. Karma makes sure we do not get away with anything though. Possessions may never be your master. You need to value your relationship with God, Family and Friends, above any material reward you can obtain! We are all connected through the God's Energy for He created us. We tend to take for granted our place in His Plan, and consider ourselves greater than we are. Only God is Great!!!

We need to return to the Light. God's Light! He will blaze the trail for all that lies ahead of us...

Don't ever blame God for ANYTHING!!! His plan for you is PERFECT!

God Bless You, God Be With YOU!

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