Tuesday, 16 July 2013

My Precious

Carrie -"My Precious", is gone! After spending the GDP of a small country to repair her, and recently being faced with another such equivalent repair bill, the writing was on the wall that she had to go. I now have much in common with the Greek economy! The "Principle of Sunk Cost" has been lived and experienced, and it's been an expensive lesson in necessity. Spirit, through my Awakening, has tested my attachment to the material. Carrie was the last vestige of my ego, I have cried no tears for her! I'm now "Carloss", but much more importantly, free from the monthly running cost of a car, and can start recovering from the hole I find myself in. In my time I have had 6 vehicles, mostly all coupes, including one cabriolet, a 4 X 4, and a superbike. In coming to the realisation that transport is not a definition of who I am, and that ego based purchases come at a price, I've opted for a cheap mode of transport  - a scooter! I can no longer justify the cost of driving such and such, when I can't drive above a certain speed limit, and I get to my destination in good time anyway. I will never buy another car on Higher Purchase again. Where I saw want, I now see waste, and I focus only on what I really need!

Just ONE of the MANY times I had problems with Carrie in the past 12 months!
The list of shit wrong with her was ENDLESS! I don't think the engineer who designed it ever drove one!


Lack and limitation has always been my biggest fear. That is what God is testing me on at this stage of my life. Through this experience I have learned that all my stress was for naught. I've worked and slaved for what at the end of the day?? I let an object like a car hold me hostage financially, just so I could look good in it?? MADNESS!! That's probably been my problem all along. I've been too preoccupied with vanity and the physical, that I ignored my Spiritual Connection to Source. I've come to realise that my time on earth is borrowed, and so are all the belongings I own. Its not mine. They belong to Mother Earth and God. I do not get to take any of it with me when I die. Getting to see a sun rise, and sun set daily, is completely at the discretion of My Maker. In order to evolve further and become more congruent with my soul, I have to completely surrender to The Divine. I cannot try manipulate and control events in my life. What will be will be. I have no Pot-plant, no Pet, no Parent, no Partner, and soon no Property, but I am discovering my Purpose. For 15 years I built my body, now the time has come to build my soul!

I'm coming to realise that my fears are irrational. The Earth is bountiful, and if connected to Source, I will always have and be replenished. John 15:5 - "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me and you can do nothing." I cut myself from The Vine for many years, without acknowledging or thanking God for all that is, my resulting reality has born no fruit. Loose living has taken it's pound of flesh, and I have been left wanting. There is a karmic price to pay for all that we do, that is not in alignment with our souls. I'm beginning to live a life of gratitude and contentment. Through acceptance of what is, and releasing what was, I'm walking a better road to fulfillment in my life. I'm becoming what Caroline Myss, in her book "Entering the Castle", refers to as a "Mystic without a Monastery."

This has not been an easy road. It was not meant to be. We value that which we work hard for more than if something was just given. Staying on the Spiritual Path is difficult, especially in a world that is so ego and consumption driven. If our species is to survive, our focus on what is important needs to change. We are more than just money and material goods.


I am a Lightworker. I am a Starseed of the Blue Ray. It is my purpose to Awaken as many of you as I can to The Truth, and in doing so cause a Consciousness Shift on Earth. We are Evolving...

I wish you Love and Light!

May God Bless you, God be with you, for God is Within You!

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