I drive a black French car aptly named "Carrie". I bought my 175 kw 2-litre turbo with 18inch mags back in the day when I had an ego. The ego wants what you do not need, and the wisdom of that hindsight is a bitch! In my defense though, and as I stated in my last blog, nothing is made to last. Car manufacturer's these days are in the business of spare parts, not cars. Granted Carrie is 6 years old and probably needs to be replaced, but I refuse to get caught in the debt trap again. I have had a Higher Purchase Agreement on every car I've had since I was 21. That was many moons ago! In the last year, my temperamental Carrie decided the time has come to give up the ghost. I have countered with spending the equivalent of a small nations GDP to resuscitate her. She will be paid off next month, and I will thus extract the capital I have thrown at her over the years, by NOT having a car payment for the foreseeable future. I would rather keep fixing her(I've replaced everything from bumper to bumper), than buy another car. Better the devil you know! You don't get very much bang for your buck these days anyway, and I've suffered long enough!
Last week I had to have Carrie towed again. In trying to live my life in the Higher Frequencies, I have to admit that I crashed. I was told that I would need to replace the engine. After all I have laboured and paid, it was too much for me to bear. In being faced with such stress I do what I do best...SLEEP! I self-impose solitary confinement on myself! I climb into my cave, draw the curtains, close the door, pull the covers over my head and close my eyes. The Conversation I had with God was strained to say the least. It normally takes 2 days for me to find the strength to get back up on my feet, and face what life has to throw at me. But, considering the fact that we manifest, and mirror, our thoughts in our lives, I am still left asking more questions of myself than before. I've come to the conclusion that I must have been a scrap dealer in a previous life, and am repaying the Karmic Debt incurred. In this life though, I need to continue to live and evolve, and heal my soul, and although it is difficult, it must be done. Life is about making better choices. So after being an ostrich for 2 days, a dear friend, Michael, decided to pull me from the darkness and push me to start managing the crisis which lay before me. And it so happens it wasn't as bad as what I had originally been told. The assessment by the mechanic, whom I won't name and shame, was wrong! 2 days wasted in bed. My "timeout" was not well received by the orphanage I was doing volunteer work for, and sadly I will no longer be involved with it. There is always someone worse off than you. As much as my situation is dire, I still feel the need to help others. I will not be deterred by this setback, there are plenty of organisations I can volunteer my time to. I wish the kids at the orphanage well!
Suffering is universal. The success of your life depends on whether you evolve and grow from it, or let it drag you down into the abyss. Whatever is not good for your Soul, you have to release. Looking at the world today, there is crisis all over. Floods in Europe, war, protests and turmoil in the Middle East, spying in the West, Africa riddled with corruption and economic distress everywhere! Very seldom do we get any good news these days. This has an impact on our emotional state of being. We are though, through the reality we have created, forgetting the power of our emotions, and are instead living through the want of our ego. We have become detached from feeling. The only feeling we mostly allow ourselves, is when we purchase something or watch TV, a movie, a concert or a sports match. Everything is TELLING us what to feel. We are Spiritual Beings of emotional frequency, incarnated in human form to interact in this reality. We have the control, but have handed this power over to the consume mentality of our ego. The ideal that to succeed we must make a profit above all else, has sadly and insanely become the single basic driving force of our existence. We have forgotten our humanity and Spiritual essence. This has left us divided and confused. The frequency we are emitting is out of balance with our natural state, not only of ourselves and our neighbours, but the Universe as well!
Studies are proving that we are all connected. That your actions and thoughts, have a direct effect on not just your reality, but everyone else's to. It is not localised and separate from the whole. We as a species through our thoughts, are effecting the planet and The Universe! The effects of our peaceful thoughts can be measured using a specific meditation technique of a group in an area, whats known as the Maharishi Effect, named after Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Through group meditation focused on specific peaceful emotions, it was shown that violence subsided within the area where the meditation occurred! That is the power that our thoughts have! It only takes √1% of a population to effect such a change in the consciousness of the surrounding populace! Much like different electronic devices can be linked wirelessly to a central router through WiFi, so to are we linked by our consciousness to the whole! Our hearts emit a stronger electromagnetic force than our brains. On the Massacre of 11 September 2001, measurements were taken of the Earths Geomagnetic Field, which clearly showed a spike just around the time the first plane hit the first tower. The emotional outpouring felt that day had a measurable effect on the Earth. The following 2 diagrams were taken from this website which explains further - http://www.glcoherence.org/monitoring-system/about-system.html
Unfortunately, as a whole we are not emitting positive frequencies at this time. Separation, agitation, stress, hatred, greed, want, envy, jealousy, stress etc has become our norm. What we are emitting is thus being reflected back to us in the form of natural disasters on a grande scale by Mother Earth and violence and war within Humanity! Bigger tornados, record rainfall and floods, hotter heatwaves and more devastating earthquakes etc is what is being manifested. If we were to be at peace, so would Mother Earth and The Universe. Not that natural cycles of weather etc would be stopped, but I'm sure the intensity of the force of these occurrences would be less. There are over 7 billion of us now living on the planet. The effects are going to become exponentially detrimental if we do not find another way.
Either we wake up and start saving the planet and ourselves, or we destroy everything in the process. If we all made the effort to start thinking better of ourselves and each other, I believe it would go a long way in solving our problems. The Petro-dollar economy that is being propped up by force, and is the driving mechanism to our consume culture must end. We have to focus on what we need, not what we want. We need Mother Earth to survive...PERIOD! It's time to start changing the way we think....
I am a Lightworker. I am a Starseed of the Blue Ray! It is my purpose to awaken as many of you as I can to The Truth, and in doing so cause a Consciousness Shift on Mother Earth. We are evolving...
I wish you Love and Light!
May God Bless You, God be with you, For God is Within You!
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