Tuesday, 22 January 2013

From the Frying Pan and into The Fire

The last 2 years of my life have been a huge learning curve for me. I've gone from the frying pan into the fire. Through the mistakes I've made, and the hardship that they brought upon me, I was able to look inward at myself, and realise that I needed to change. The reason for my hardship is my own doing. I've been self critical of myself all my life, therefore what I've thought of myself has manifested in my life. If you constantly think of yourself as inadequate, not deserving...anything less than you are, those thoughts are what your life will become.

God and His Universe wants to give you what you want. Really!...and also what you really don't want. When  I started bodybuilding some 14 years ago I weighed 63kgs. I did not have high self-esteem or any confidence. I knew I was capable of more, so set about changing my physique. Unlike Lance Armstrong, I'm not afraid to admit that I cheated, and used enhancing substances to get what I wanted. This was my first mistake, for I got fixated on my body and what I looked like. My legs in particular became my focal point and I trained them till the cows came home. No matter what people told me regarding their size, I thought they looked like toothpicks. 

Me 2011 pre-ACL surgery

Eventually, my thoughts caught up with me, and in 2011, I suffered my first major injury. I tore my left Anterior Cruciate Ligament, which was reattached through surgery. I was out of action for most of that year. I decided to make a comeback in 2012 and in September, again, I suffered an injury. This time to my right leg, in that I tore the Medial Head of the Gastrocnemius and strained my Achilles Tendon (The irony of this injury was not lost on me). God had given me what I wanted, which was a great set of legs. However, because I kept thinking they were too small...The Universe decided to let my thoughts manifest...This was the beginning of me starting to question myself and the methodology I was using in order to get what I wanted. I was not being wise in using enhancing substances, and had also let bodybuilding become the overall  reason for my existence. I had become stuck in my life through my own vanity, and was essentially limiting any further potential I had. In order for me to grow or mature, I needed to release the obsession that I had over my physique. 

My Left Leg 2011

My Right Calve 2012

Basically, throughout my life, I've been the reason for my own undoing. The thoughts that I've had about myself, is what my life has become. I've had to change my way, in order to allow change in my life to occur. This, however, is not an easy task, especially when God and His Universe takes you to rock bottom. I've had to stop the internal dialogue that existed in me for years, in which I kept undermining myself. I've had to practice "not doing" ie I've had to stop any thought, and any action that did not appeal to my Higher Self or was not positively rewarding to myself or others. Its been a paradigm shift for me. 

I have released the old and I am welcoming the new. Not that I have stopped training entirely, I've just ceased the overall importance that it held in my life. One door closes another opens. We truly become what we think. If we become fixated on a problem in our lives, we stand a chance of becoming stuck, and then not being able to develop ourselves any further. Apparently my future potential lies in me being a writer...so I'm looking forward to exploring this new venture. In light of this new revelation, I have added a "Donation" tab to my blog, writers need to earn a living to...if you feel that this post, and my Blog, has contributed to a Higher Level of yourself, and should you so wish to make a donation as a token of thanks, I would be grateful. I have also added the translation widget, so that you may now hopefully read my blog in your own language.

God Bless You! God Be with You!

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Sunday, 13 January 2013

Knock Knock

Genesis 11 Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth."
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, "Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come let Us go down there and confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." So the Lord scattered them abroad from there all over the face of the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore the name is called Babel, because the Lord confused the language of all the earth, and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.

The story of The Tower of Babel confirms that we are all one! God in His Wisdom confused man, and scattered us over the Earth, so that we may through difficulty, learn lessons from each other and about each other. If we had continued to build The Tower, we would have had nothing more to accomplish with our lives. That is our purpose on Earth. To grow, to evolve! To return to the understanding of Ourselves and God! We're here to close the circle and return to The Source.

On the 6th October last year I experienced what is referred to as a "Knock of the Spirit". (Read blog dated 07/10/2012 Your New Freedom). I was shown my purpose - To unplug as many people from the the matrix that they think is their life. Your life is not about how many cars you will drive in your lifetime, how many times you will move house, how many times you will change career's, what TV you own, what phone you use, what brand of clothing you dress in etc etc....Our world has become fear based. Fearful of yourself, of each other and fearful of the material. We feel less worthy of if it, if we do not own it. In the name of greed we are destroying our Planet. Your life is about You! How you treat yourself and how you treat others. 

Humanity is being brainwashed and dumbed-down to believe in shit that does not matter. Like a moth to a flame, we are being drawn to ideals that will burn us! We have become like a dog, which is chasing it's own tail. Our history and evolution is linked to The Universe. As the Universe grows, so to must we. It is to our eternal detriment that we stand still. We are at a cross roads of our evolution. We need to decide the path that lies ahead. Our evolution requires that we overcome our separateness, and move to a Higher Consciousness...we need to choose Love over Fear. We need to close the circle and become whole! Become ONE! 

"The Cry of the Eagle", that is the Call of the Universe, to return to the Ideals of Light and Love, went out on the night of the full moon on 13th June 1995. Humanity's day of Reckoning is coming. Not all of us will answer the call, I just hope and pray that most of us do...for all our sake!

"I think there is something you should know,
 I think it's time I told you so,
There's something deep inside of me,
There's someone else I got to be!" - George Michael "Freedom 90"

God Bless You! God Be with You!

Follow me - Facebook : www.facebook.com/inkdmscl
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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Self

Do you value yourself? Do you love yourself? Do you consider yourself special? I hope for your sake you do! Just think....of the the 5 million odd sperm cells, you are the one that "made it"! I suppose Congratulations are in order, but in actual fact you had already decided before you were conceived, who your parents were, and what life on Earth you wanted to live. The fact that God granted you Life Energy, in order to experience exactly that, LIFE, is what makes you special! The fact that God in His infinite Grace, continues to give you Life Energy, makes you VERY special indeed. Accept the fact that you are a Spiritual Being having a Human experience....Love and Value yourself, 'cos God does!

The theory that "Only the Strongest will survive" in us Humans, I think erroneously comes from the fact that we think that at our conception, because we beat the other 5 million or so sperm cells to the egg - we are the strongest! This leads to us falsely believing that life is a struggle, and that we need need to finish ahead of the pack. Life, was always God's plan for us anyway...it was no race, and it still is no race! What does take concentration and determination, is to not loose track of our purpose on earth. We are here to learn!

Unfortunately as we reach our adolescence, some of us get side-tracked by bias and prejudice, peer pressure and The Western Way...That material goods is where we will find Happiness. We loose track of our self-worth, and that of our fellow humans, and focus on buying this and that. Falsely believing it will bring us the Love and Happiness we deserve. You are the most important person in your life! The Life Energy that God grants you is Precious. We are given limited Life Energy during our sleep. To get abundant or more Life Energy, we are to think positive thoughts of ourselves, do kind deeds, to give without expectation of anything in return, to Love, to be grateful for that which you have etc. And, we can also receive Life Energy through Meditation. It is through Meditation that we are able to restore our Energy Centres (Chakra's). If any of our Energy Centres are blocked, it will manifest in our life as illness or as a Life Lesson that we need to learn from. It is the positive flow of Life Energy that we seek in our lives. We hinder that flow of energy by concentrating on that which is not uplifting to our Spiritual Growth. If we obsess about ourselves or someone else, criticise,  live in greed, envy, jealousy, basically any negative thought or action, we do ourselves an injustice and this will manifest in your life at some point. We are not to live in excess, but to practice moderation in our lives. We need to attain balance in our lives. Balance for the love of Yourself and those around you! Your body is your temple and you are to treat it, like others, with respect and love!

What you think about yourself and what you want in your life, your thoughts will manifest. You are the master of your own life! Only you have the power to change that in your life which is not working. Only you have the power to return to the Way of God - Light and Love! We are all here for each other. Human Consciousness has to evolve beyond man's greed. That is the Age of Aquarius, a New Dawn for Man.

God Bless You! God Be with You!

Follow me - Facebook : www.facebook.com/inkdmscl
                    Twitter     : www.twitter.com/inkdmscl

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

A New Year has dawned! Looking to the Year ahead, I have to decide what it is about myself I need to change, that which brought me so much difficulty in my life. Change can only begin from within. You are expending valuable energy if you think you can change someone and their thoughts and beliefs to your way of thinking. Only you have the power to change yourself, no one else can, less you be perpetually stuck in the same draining pattern that becomes your life! Everything that I had endured in 2012 was as a result of a belief system I had about myself. Our thoughts become the life we live. If you think yourself "not worthy", "inadequate", "inferior" etc. then that is what The Universe will manifest in your life.

One of the biggest lesson's I have had to deal with this last year, is to look inward at myself, and Love and Accept who I am! I was involved in my "Wrath of the Gods" episode at the beginning of last year. I had such little self belief and self love, that I allowed my then partner to basically wipe the floor with my emotions! And he did it with glee! I allowed myself to be de-selfed! I never took a stance in order to fight for myself, I did not think myself worthy. That was until it became clear to me, that if I continued on the road ahead my life would be nothing but misery. I needed to change the status quo! I was angry at myself for a long time for being so stupid and allowing things to progress as far as they did.  But, anger is fear based. Love>Fear! Anger impedes us from growing as Spiritual Beings if we do not release it. As a Spiritual being, I had asked for the trials and tribulations I am currently experiencing in order to LEARN about myself. I dated Satan's Spawn, so you can imagine that I learnt a lot about myself. It's the difficult relationships in our lives that teach us the most about ourselves. It's when we are challenged to the extreme that we pay attention to who we really are! The biggest test is to be able to forgive. You need to forgive yourself first! Then all those who have done you harm. Release all the hatred and anger! Forgive and Release! Do not dwell on the past for it is to the future you must look...


The thoughts and feelings you put out to God and His Universe is what will become your existence. Release all your negativity and allow only positive thoughts into your life. Those are the thoughts of which your dreams are made of. Those are the thoughts that will change your life for the better, and make all your dreams come true! That is God's wish for you! That is His plan for you!

"Only LOVE can turn your life around..." podcast by Dj Ice August 2011 Sessions.

I wish you all a Blessed 2013! Wealth, Health and Happiness for all Humanity!

God Bless you! God be with you!